We will provide the right ones solutions

We create and implement IT tools supporting, among others warehouse management
and organization of logistics processes

We solve the most common and the most complex problems

There is no uniform database of goods files

There is no central database, information about the product range is often not found, contractors provide information in inconsistent standards.

Central database

Information available to your team from anywhere in the world from the web or Android and iOS applications. Safe and conveniently managed data is the first, basic step. Additionally, you can import and export data in the most popular formats.

Incomplete knowledge about inventory

Searching the shelves takes a long time and is not always successful. You are unable to track batch numbers and items back in stock.

Detailed system monitoring

Using warehouse terminals, each operation is recorded. You can check the stock levels at any time, including the lot number or expiry date. You maintain full control over the rotation of the assortment.

Suboptimal use of enterprise resources

When expanding the warehouse space, you are not able to ensure the optimal use of racks, docks and plan all receipt / release operations every day.

Planning and optimization algorithms

The configured calendar of deliveries and releases organizes processes, no more queues at the gate. The collected data on warehouse movements analyzed guarantee the most optimal use of the racks and docks.
version control

Manual work caused by lack of integration

You work with an increasing number of contractors, use e-commerce sales platforms - entering and updating data in many formats takes a lot of time and generates the risk of error.

System integration and API access

Data to the system are imported automatically through API interfaces or through EDI files in various formats. You can independently generate periodic access to selected data for your contractors. We provide full API documentation.

Meet our warehousing software and see that there is quick. intuitive. helpful. functional. friendly.

Play the movie in little over 10 min you will learn how step by step:

What makes our offer unique?

Free analysis

Together, we will analyze your needs and propose the best tools. No strings attached.

Full adaptation

Nothing is impossible, we will prepare a tailor-made system as part of individual implementation.

SaaS or your own server

Take advantage of our scalable cloud or stay in your own infrastructure.

Dedicated support

The possibility of using a dedicated support even in the 24h / 7 standard.

Multiple platforms

It doesn't matter if you use macOS, Windows or Linux - the application is available everywhere.

Continuous development

We are constantly developing tools, everything we create will be an added value for your company.

To really change something, an Excel table is not enough. B2B solutions, in addition to being more and more advanced, should also be equally user-friendly and intuitive. We pay a lot of attention to keep the balance between all directions of development. Thanks to this, we provide solutions for both large enterprises and small businesses.

Patryk Kamiński

We give a lot possibilities

IoT devices

Connecting micro-controllers to the application in order to control devices or monitor environmental conditions.

Information screens

Preparation of dynamic data views regarding e.g. performance reporting or the progress of tasks completion.

GPS monitoring

Telematics data connection via API, map display, configurable resource monitoring alerts.

Integration with ERP systems

Communication with systems using REST, SOAP, WebSocket, XML, XLS, CSV, TXT exchange, etc. via FTP, SFTP, HTTP, etc.

We do not sell products

We care about the success of the entire modernization process. We start our work with a preliminary analysis, we define the functional scope and additional requirements, e.g. related to the infrastructure of network devices. As a result, we define the type of license required and provide a schedule with a cost estimate. We install a dedicated application, depending on the customer's choice, in the cloud or on the company's servers. Therefore, no IT background is required in your company.

Importantly, we constantly conduct user training and verify operation in the client's environment. After starting the system, we provide support technical as well substantive in the field of process management. Of course, we also provide ongoing security patches along with additional functionalities - at no additional cost.

So you buy solution not the product.

CloudTSL Basic

For beginners
99 monthly
  • Up to 1,000 operations
  • Up to 3 users
  • All WMS functions
  • Android / iOS applications
  • Shared instance
  • Shared server

CloudTSL Pro

For professionals
399 monthly
  • Up to 15,000 operations
  • Up to 20 users
  • All WMS functions
  • Android / iOS applications
  • Dedicated instance
  • Shared server

CloudTSL Enterprise

Dedicated implementation
  • Functionalities on request
  • Unlimited operations
  • No user limit
  • All WMS functions
  • Android / iOS applications
  • Dedicated instance
  • Dedicated server

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The most important thing is what you cannot see.

We do not hide on what foundations our solutions are built. We use tools of the highest class of security and efficiency.


We use global solutions (Azure, AWS, DigitalOcean), thanks to which we can, for example, adjust the location of the servers to the implementation needs. Do you need quick access for Asian customers? No problem for us. In addition, we smoothly scale the performance of machines depending on the load. Computing power will never run out. We can also install the application on your server thanks to containerization with Docker there are many possibilities. Importantly, you do not need additional licenses, e.g. for a database server, to use our solutions. Zero extra costs.


We use the most advanced open source database in the world - PostgreSQL. It is an object-relational database - it integrates an object-oriented approach to databases with a relational one, allowing the maintenance of tools known from relational databases, but extended with the possibilities related to object orientation: objects, classes and inheritance. We don't know the concept of too much data. Replication, backup, connection pool management - as standard. In the case of individual implementation, we can also use other relational databases.

Server application

The heart of our solutions is an application created using C# .NET 5.0. It is an open source development platform that allows you to create highly efficient solutions without being tied to a specific environment. The application enables communication, among others through REST API and WebSocket. All methods of communication are dedicated to specific tasks and thus maximally secured. Documentation in accordance with the specification OpenAPI and made available for integration preparation, it is a guarantee of maintaining the highest standards.

Applications for users

The high quality of the product is completed by a friendly, fast and adaptive application interface. It is this layer, the only one visible to the end user, that is crucial for the final reception. We provide applications for all platforms - via a web browser. What's more, for further acceleration and ease of work, we enable the installation of Andorid, iOS and Windows applications. How is the application made? Including using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and VUE.js.

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